NBA star Ja Morant testified in court Monday that a teenager hit him in the face with a one-handed basketball pass at close range during,

 A pickup game last year and that the Memphis Grizzlies guard punched the teen once in the face.

 Morant, said on the stand that the teen bumped him in the chest,

Balled his firts and got into a fighting stance.

 The case was filed by Joshua Holloway, who was 17 when the brief fight erupted at a basketball game

 On a court located at the Memphis of the NBA All-Star's parents on July 26, 2022.

 Holloway, now 18, charged Morant and his close friend Davonte Pack of assault,

 reckless endangerment, abuse or neglect, and infliction of emotional distre

 Morant, 24, has said that he and Pack each punched Holloway once, and that Pack's blow sent Holloway to the ground

 Morant assert he was acting in self-defense after 

Holloway threw the ball at him and hit him in the chin during a check-ball situation